Dezvoltarea abilitatilor cognitive prin TEORIE MUZICALA

Inscrierile inainte de 15 Septembrie beneficiaza de 5% reducere!


High Level of Professionalism

During the last 20 years of teaching i learnt that the biggest challenge comes not from the technical preparation, but from the psychological one. Our students are prepared to be determined, calm, focused and relaxed.

* De-a lungul celor 20 de ani de predare, am demonstrat ca pregatirea muzicala are un impact benefic major asupra dezvoltarii comportamentale si emotionale. Abordarea se face prin metode alternative de lucru, in functie de fiecare cursant.


With us save TIME and MONEY!


The ABRSM, which stands for the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, offers a musical curriculum and exams around the world (in over 90 countries). It’s based out of the UK and has existed since 1889. Their examination system covers 35 different musical instruments, singing, theory and music knowledge. Exams are offered in two different categories, theoretical and practical, and divided by 8 different levels by difficulty.

ABRSM is the UK’s largest music education body, one of its largest music publishers and the world’s leading provider of music exams, offering assessments to more than 630,000 candidates in 93 countries every year. There are no age restrictions, every individual from different ages are welcomed to apply ABRSM certification system.

ABRSM certificates are valid globally. Any type of ABRSM certificate is a plus in applying musical institutions.

There is a Instrument and a MUSIC THEORY exam you can take that corresponds with every grade. You don’t necessarily need to take every theory exam. However, you do need your grade 5 theory (or above) if you want to get your certificates for Grade 6, 7 and 8 (instrument).

In the UK, as we mentioned, you can get UCAS points for doing your grade 6, 7 and 8 ABRSM exams. These points help you get into universities and colleges, and are collected from things like your school grades.

* ABRSM (Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music) este un sistem de examinare care ofera posibilitatea obtinerii unor diplome recunoscute in peste 90 de tari (inclusiv cea de profesor) si faciliteaza admiterea la universitati cu renume, oferind puncte UCAS.

Iei lectii de pian in privat? Vrei sa ai o diploma certificata international?

ABRSM Coach este solutia!


I am a professor, a piano performer  and music theorist. I love teaching. I have trained musicians for over 20 years, with high results in ABRSM exams and piano contests. I teach all skill levels, from 5 years old and up. This includes adult and seniors (you are never too old to start).

The methodology is selected for each student individually. Everybody has their own time, and the most important thing I tell my students is to be patient, because learning a new language (music is a language too) is a discipline of time and endurance.

Time rewards the ones who endure through the hard times!

* Pianist, profesor de pian si teoretician cu experienta de peste 20 de ani, cu rezultate importante la concursuri nationale si internationale, examinari ABRSM cu rata de succes de 100%. In ultimii 3 ani, cursurile s-au tinut cu precadere online.

Metodologia selectata se aplica fiecarui elev in parte. 

MUSIC, a plus for your brain!




The Music Theory series helps annually more than one million musicians world wide to learn about the notation and theory of music.

ABRSM’s Music Theory exams aim to give students a thorough understanding of the building blocks of music, starting with the basics of rhythm and notes, and going on to cover harmony and counterpoint, composition, and a broad knowledge of western music, including composers and their works, structure, style and period. This workbook also provides an excellent resource for anyone wishing to develop general music literacy skills.

Music Theory is the study of how to express yourself with music. Understanding music theory means knowing the language of music – it's a way to explain the music we hear. Is not just learning how to build chords, intervals or key signatures. Every single concept in music theory is an idea or foundation for learning how to express your thoughts with sound and music.

* Activitatea muzicala din timpul vietii poate fi cel mai bun exercitiu cognitiv impotriva imbatranirii.

Studierea Teoriei Muzicale dar si a unui instrument presupune utilizarea celor doua emisfere cerebrale concomitent sau cu alternante rapide ceea ce duce la dezvoltarea unitara a gandirii logice si intuitive, focalizare, perseverenta, aptitudini organizatorice, creativitate si multe altele.


Music Your Brain!


The ONLINE THEORY CLASSES are held in english, in groups of 6-8 students, categorized by level and age. One course is 60 minutes.

* ONLINE THEORY CLASSES sunt sustinute in limba engleza, in grupe de 6-8 elevi, selectati in functie de nivel si varsta. Durata unui curs este de 60 minutes.

GROUP A  -  ages   6 - 9                                   

GROUP  -  ages 10 - 14                             

GROUP C  -  ages 15+

EVALUATION class  -  90 minutes  -  200lei

Entries before 1st of September will have 5% discount

In addition, we offer 5% discount for the 2nd family member registered.


     Contact us

     ABRSM coach

     Bucharest, Romania
